
Showing posts from 2017

Betrayal Is Part Of Life...Don't Let It Pull You Down.

As you journey through life,you will come across people who want you for what you can offer,or need you because you are of help to them. Beware of this type of people for their loyalty is temporary. So don't be surprise when they people you trust and love,betray you. Their loyalty is for sale and it goes to the highest bidder and only lasts during the good times. You are better off without them.


Swami Satchidananda famously: "If you do not pour water on your plant, what will happen? It will slowly wither and die. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity to manifest. You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself" Our habits are part of our identity it, it is what defines us, what makes us different from others, what makes us succeed or what makes us fail. Invariably, the type of habits we imbibe will determine if we are respected or disrespected. Habits are they defining quality that presupposes what other people think of us. Nevertheless, it is important to realise that what people think of you doesn't matter, because you can never satisfy human beings. But on the other hand, even though you may not give a damn about what they may say or think. It is pertinent that your Image is not destroyed or marred as a result of your habits or inadequacies. Thus, you have to prote...


Matshona Dhliwayo Famously said: "To realize your greatest strengths, you must first overcome your greatest weaknesses" The reason why so many great people seem perfect or infallible, is not because they are perfect. But because they have learnt how to master their weaknesses. Every man you see has a weak spot. It could be in their character, for some it could be their loved ones, while for others, it could be their lifestyle. But ultimately, human beings by nature have weaknesses they all try to hide. Now, this is where the problem lies, because you shouldn't be hiding your weaknesses or pretending that they do not exist. Instead you should be confronting your weaknesses, because facing them head on is what will make you overcome them and prevent others from using them against you. The first step to overcoming your weaknesses is: Identifying and Admitting Your Weaknesses You cannot solve a problem, until you identify what these problems are. The same applies to...


A relationship without trust cannot survive the test of time. It doesn't matter how much a couple love each other. If they cannot trust each other,their distrust eventually ruins the relationship. Therefore, if you want a good and solid relationship/marriage, it should be founded on mutual trust. Don't give your partner reasons to distrust you. You have to prove that you are indeed worth trusting, before you can be trusted. Remember, trust takes time. So don't be bumped, if your partner cannot trust you immediately, trust has to be earned.

Unhealthy Competition Is A Dream Killer!

James Altucher Famously Said: "Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don't support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck" The need to compete with other people, is a profound trait of human beings. It doesn't matter your educational background, your status, family or upbringing. At some point in your life, you must have felt distressed and left behind by your mates. Being left behind must have given birth to the need to compete, to feel among, to belong. However, this need to compete with those around you, needs to to be checked. If it isn't it, will destroy everything you are or will ever be. First of all, it is of great import that you realise that you are a different person and your life is going to progr...


Mandy Hale Famously Said: "You will never gain anyone's approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows" The world today, is filled with superficial people who draw their self esteem from how many likes they have on Facebook, how many followers they have on Instagram and how many comments they get on Twitter. Social media has become the bane of society, because no amount of likes, an individual gets on social media, or the number followers can extinguished nor quenched that deeply rooted insecurity. It keeps getting deeper and deeper, until it completely ruins him/her. It is quite sad to see, that in a world of connectivity, people seem to be connected to everyone, expect themselves! The world is filled with people who spend countless hours online, with little or no time for themselves. Most people have no idea who they are or who they even want to be. In fact, most people today, appear to have no purpose whatsoever, except what ...

Why Are Good People Plagued With So Many Enemies?

Will Smith famously said: "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too" Have you ever wondered why you keep doing your best to be nice to everyone, to be just, caring and loving but yet they go behind your back biting you? Have you ever wondered why it appears as though, bad people who perpetrate evil seem to be making more progress, getting richer than honest ones? Have you ever wondered, why so many people hate you for no reason and no matter how nice you are, you can't seem to placate them? Have you ever wondered what to do with your life? Because it seems every attempt you make fails, woefully? Do you ever wondered what would become of you when you get old?  Because at the moment, life doesn't seem to be looking good? Do you ever fear what your life would become? Because it seems meaningless at the moment? Are you terrified of the future? Are...

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Morning: What Are My Plans For Today And For The Future?

Brian Tracy Famously Said: "All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose" The future belongs to those who plan their days, their actions, and follow their plan meticulously. Overtime, the Bible, philosophers, and great people from all works of life have all given strong evidence to prove that been ahead in life, is to plan ahead. You cannot succeed in life without plans, you cannot make your dreams a reality without plans, you cannot get things done without plans. Therefore, it is pertinent to plan your day a night before or the moment you wake up. Why? Because this will ensure you stay on track with your goals, it will help you make other achievements, and make your life so much easier, stress free and make you on course with your dreams. How do you plan your day/the future? For the day: begin a mental list (or write i...

Do Not Settle For A Mediocre Life

Life is like a magnet, what you desire eventually finds you, what you always think about eventually becomes part of you. Thus,do not cage yourself in a box, do not settle for a mediocre life.This doesn't mean you should plot dishonest ways to make it in life. No! It only means as you journey through life be positive, believe in yourself and work towards your dreams. Eventually, your efforts will payoff.


The world is filled with different people, on different   missions, enduring different circumstances. It is this unique circumstance, that shapes the people they become, the people they pretend to be and eventually, determines how they are remembered when the die. Therefore, be careful how you judge people, be careful how you point accusing fingers at them, be careful what you say about others behind their backs. Because life works in circles, you eventually get what give. So today, before you judge someone , pause and think, will your words edify them or bring them harm?


Admitting your faults will save your marriage and relationship from a whole lot of problems. In fact, saying you are sorry will in no way diminish your worth but it will strengthen the bond between you and your partner. This three words 'I am sorry' is the reason why so many marriages and relationships are been destroyed. How do expect your partner to believe you love them,when you can't even apologize?

Are You A Good Wife?

Wives and Wives in the making,support your man.Don't pull him down with negative words.Never call him a failure! Don't insult him in front of your children,in doing so you are sending them a message, that their dad is not worth respecting. Be careful how you address him in public. Encourage him and stand by him,even when he has nothing. For these are qualities of a good wife, who will enjoy a happy home.


Life is about progress. Sadly, when you discover that you are giving your best, but not receiving the best. Then, it's time to pause and think. The cause for this retrogression may be seen in the circle around you. Thus, you need to ask yourself: What goals do my friends have? Are their goals in tandem with mine? Are my friends having a positive influence in my life? For until your circle is healthy, progress and success may be a difficult feat to attain. Ensure your circle is always healthy.


The loudest voice is not found in your friends or in your family. The loudest voice is found in your head,  because it is with you all day, at all times, even in your dreams. Therefore, it is pertinent that you talk to yourself in a positive, kind voice. It is an irony how we talk to a lot of people kindly, but we berate ourselves daily? The reason why you are so intimated is because of that negative voices in your head and until you silence them, you can never be truly happy.


Marilyn Monroe Famously Said: "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" Unhealthy habits are the fastest way to poisoning a person's life and extinguishing his light, until he becomes like a walking corpse! There are so many unhealthy habits, many people cultivate over time. It usually begins as a series of daily repeated actions and gradually metamorphoses into a catastrophic cycle which becomes difficult to break or shake. Your habits are part of you, in fact we cannot separate you from your habits, because what you do repeatedly, you eventually become. Thus, it is for this pertinent reason, you should be wary of the habits you cultivate and the ones you should discard. This brings us to 'the little habits that steal your happiness.' The first one is: 'Thinking You Are Worthless! Low Self Esteem is the driving force behind this thought, because it puts you in a state of misery, where you constantly believe, everyone is better than y...

What Are The Innate Reasons Behind Your Goals?

Jack Canfield Famously Said: "Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them." A man'without aspirations, is a man who will go through life wandering and aimless. However, even though having goals is of uttermost importance, your motive behind your aspirations supersedes, the goal itself. Thus, if the reason for your aspirations is to molest and oppress others, be rest assured that you will not achieve those goals and even when you do, it will not last the test of time. So start today, make your dreams in tandem with the positive course of humanity. 


Every couple, face challenges, if they pass, their bond becomes stronger and if they lose it becomes weaker. However, for some people they have never passed this test! Because the moment any challenge surfaces, they take to their heels. Hence, t hey go back and forth with no real result of ever having a stable relationship or marriage. If you intend to have a happy marriage,be ready to face adversity as a team.❤

Inspirational Story: The Test Of Destiny

There were two neighbors living next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and another was an insurance agent who had a lot of interest in technology. Both of them had planted different plants in their garden. The retired teacher was giving a small amount of water to his plants and didn’t always give a full attention to them, while the other neighbor interested in technology, had given a lot of water to his plants and looked after them too well. The retired teacher’s plants were simple but looked good. The insurance agent’s plants were much fuller and greener. One day, during the night, there was a heavy rain and a wind due to a minor storm. Next morning, both of the neighbors came out to inspect the damage to their garden. The neighbor who was an insurance agent saw that his plants came off from the roots and were totally destroyed. But, the retired teacher’s plants were not damaged at all and were standing firm. The insurance agent neighbor was surprised to see it, he we...

Sad, But Fundamental Facts About Life: "Life Pays You In Your Own Coin"

Confucius famously said: "When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points." Life has a beautiful way of playing all manner  of tricks on we mortals, since we have little or no control of the future. It is for this reason, caution is advised in our daily lives. Since you do not own the world, and sometimes, do not have a a clue what surprises tomorrow might bring. Your best bet would be to avoid living your life precariously. Why? Because "Life Pays You In Your Own Coin." What you 'Sow' you will DEFINITELY 'Reap.' As you journey through life each stone you throw (actions) returns back to you, often, in hundred folds. For example, you can't be cheating on your partner and be praying for a happy marriage. You can't be unfair and mean to people and expect kindness. You can't turn down an opportunity to help someone (especially when you can help) and expect ...


Everybody, at some point in their lives, has experienced failure. It could be something as simple as not getting the job you wanted, or getting fewer marks even after working your ass off. But what defines you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit. Here are the failure-to-success stories of some famous people all over the world, that will definitely inspire you on one of those days when you have just given up hope. Once, a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and was assumed that he would not live. His mother was told that he was sure to die, for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body. Even if he were to survive, he would be a cripple throughout his life. But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be a cripple. Much to be the amazement of the doctor, he did survive. But unfortunately from his waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just dangled there, lifeless. Ultimately he was discharged ...

Be Nice To Your Enemies..It Drives Them Crazy!

As tempting as being rude seems, never succumb to it. Trust me, there will be people who will try your patience, people who are so envious of you, they want you to hate them. Why? So you seem bad and they seem good. So that they can destroy your reputation and make you feel bad about yourself and your life. In fact, these people will go as far as,spreading lies about you. Don't buy into their schemes. Be nice to them nothing pisses them more. Why? Because no one should control your happiness, your mood or your life. When someone tries to piss you off, put a huge smile on your face and you will break all their defenses!

Which Are You Meant To Be? A Winner Or A Loser?

Bangambiki Habyarimana famously said: "Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move" In life, there will always be losers and winners. There will always be those in front and those behind. There will always be successes and failures! In fact, there will always be the rich and the poor! But does this mean life is unfair? Especially when you fall in the last category? No one can truly answer if life is biased or not, because life always has a trick on its sleeve. The truth is: it is just a matter of time. Life may seem unfair but it gives to everyone different things at different times. Different destinies, different purposes and different achievements. For example, there are so many stories Of Great Men and Women, who had all the fame, money and successes in the world but all of a sudden their shine came to an abrupt halt! So who's fault was it? Life? Theirs? Mistakes? We can blame many factors but the truth is...

Consequences Of Having Negative People In Your Life: "They Discredit Your Imagination"

Michael Bassey Johnson famously “ Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unnecessary as when you were alone" Imagination is what makes a man, take away his imagination and he lies bare, empty, unable to achieve anything. Without Imagination no achievement would have been achieved, no inventor would have made any scientific contribution and human race would have never left the stone age. Thus, any man/woman who attempts to rob you or discredits your imagination, does you a grave harm! No matter how little or insignificant a man's thoughts or imagination may appear, if you open your mind and look deeper, you may learn a thing or two. Hence, Negative people will ask you to keep your opinions, thoughts and ideas to yourself, because they know its worth a fortune. They will ask you not to pursue a particular path, because they can see that eventually, it will lead to your greatness. They will ask you to stay silent and not...

Sad, But Fundamental Facts About Life: "Boasting Affirms Abysmal Insecurity"

John Steinbeck famously said: "Perhaps the less we have, the more we are required to brag" There happens to be great joy in having conquered and accomplished so many feats. But the true test of a man's self esteem is how he handles success. You see, the misconception many people have about self esteem is mistaking it for pride. But they are two different things. Self Esteem is the unshakeable believe you have in yourself, that you are worth it, that you are handsome/beautiful, that you can achieve greatness notwithstanding what comes your way. Boasting on the other hand, is an insecure way of living your life. This involves showing off every little thing you acquired, trying to paint yourself in favourable light, trying to keep up a facade on social media, going out of your way to prove to people who you are or what you have, all in an attempt to feel good about yourself etc. All these, scream INSECURITY! Confident people need no introduction, from the moment they w...

Whose Voice Controls Your Life?

Whose Voice Controls Your Life Adam Green famously said: "To all the other dreamers out there, don't ever stop or let the world's negativity disenchant you or your spirit. If you surround yourself with love and the right people, anything is possible" The world is filled with people who have little or no idea, who they truly are or what they truly want or where they intend to go. Nor do they grasp, how far they can reach in life. In today's world, where interconnectedness is at it's peak, it is very easy to get lost in the crowd. To lose track of who we are! It is very easy to accept the definition of others and cage ourself in a shackle of despair, bound by the fear of who approves or disapproves of us. We measure our worth by the number of likes our photos gets on social media, forgetting that no matter of likes or followers can truly describe, how much we are worth. The pressure from the media, does not aid your plight! As each day, the picture of a ...