Swami Satchidananda famously:

"If you do not pour water on your plant, what will happen? It will slowly wither and die. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity to manifest. You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself"

Our habits are part of our identity it, it is what defines us, what makes us different from others, what makes us succeed or what makes us fail. Invariably, the type of habits we imbibe will determine if we are respected or disrespected. Habits are they defining quality that presupposes what other people think of us.

Nevertheless, it is important to realise that what people think of you doesn't matter, because you can never satisfy human beings. But on the other hand, even though you may not give a damn about what they may say or think. It is pertinent that your Image is not destroyed or marred as a result of your habits or inadequacies. Thus, you have to protect your Image at all cost.

Some habits that tarnish your Image include:

Being Nosy: Nothing tarnishes your Image faster, than being nosy. No body likes an intrusive person. In fact, you have to realise that everyone has a right to privacy. You have no right to go around, snoopy into people's life, their relationships or their family. Their problem, is none of your business, how they handle their life shouldn't concern you. If you observe they have a problem, try to be of help, but do not use their problems against them.  No matter how tempting it seems do not be nosy, because most nosy people, pry into others people's lives in an attempt to escape their problems.

Thinking You Know It All: Knowledge is vast and perceptions varies, based on orientation, family background etcetera. Having a unique perception, does not mean other people's ideas or opinions do not count, it just means we all see things through different lens. Hence, it is wrong to think your way of doing things is the only way. It is also wrong to think you are right, 98% of the time. Being a know-it-all, is bad for your Image. It makes people perceive you as arrogant and a show off, it will eventually turn them off and been in your company will be like a punishment for your loved ones. Therefore listen to the opinions of other people, sometimes they may be seeing what you can't see.

Unhealthy Rivalry: Unhealthy rivalry destroys your Image faster than a lighting bolt. As you sojourn through life, you have to realise that destiny comes to each of us, at different times and in different ways. No two individuals are the same, and what they will achieve in life, will never be at the same time. Consequently, it is pointless to compete with those around you. You shouldn't be fighting them, you shouldn't be jealous of their achievements or try to beat them. Life is not a race between people. It is a race between Man and his Destiny. Do not allow people with little vision, drag you into their shallow minded competitions. You were created for greater things. Rivalry destroys your Image and makes you appear vulgar. Thus, do away with unhealthy rivalry and competition.

As you protect your Image, remember people will always try to bring you down, it doesn't matter how good you are. But do not let their negativity get to your heart, for in the long run their tattle will eventually destroy them and not you.


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