Mandy Hale Famously Said:

"You will never gain anyone's approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows"

The world today, is filled with superficial people who draw their self esteem from how many likes they have on Facebook, how many followers they have on Instagram and how many comments they get on Twitter. Social media has become the bane of society, because no amount of likes, an individual gets on social media, or the number followers can extinguished nor quenched that deeply rooted insecurity. It keeps getting deeper and deeper, until it completely ruins him/her.

It is quite sad to see, that in a world of connectivity, people seem to be connected to everyone, expect themselves! The world is filled with people who spend countless hours online, with little or no time for themselves. Most people have no idea who they are or who they even want to be. In fact, most people today, appear to have no purpose whatsoever, except what the society expects of them. As a result, this generation is filled with people who crave the approval of everyone around them, except their Creator.

An individual with healthy self esteem does not seek approval from others before he/she can be happy. People with self esteem do not fish for compliments,they do not feel intimidated by the successes of others but instead jubilate with them!

People with genuine self esteem do not rejoice over the downfall of others, but lend a helping hand. They do not criticize others so they can feel good about themselves. But point out other people's strengths so they believe in themselves! They do not tarnish the image of others, so they look good! Just as Joyce Meryer says: "Hurting People, Hurt People"
People who go about hurting others have unresolved issues in their lives, and they cannot be happy until they face those issues!

True confidence comes from within, it is not dependent on owning things or conquering feats!  But instead, it is an attestation to our complete love for who we are and encourages us, to work on who we want to be.

As you journey through life, stop seeking the approval of people around you! You will never get their approval, not even 70%. Live your life freely, do what is right, honour and love your Creator. If people love you good and fine. If they don't then it's their loss.

Remember, you are not on earth to seek the approval of those around you!  NO!  You were sent to earth, to achieve your purpose, leave a mark on earth and lend a helping hand to those in need. Don't allow the opinions of hateful people sidetrack you.

Believe In Yourself!

Believe In Your Dreams!

Love Yourself!

And Always Lend A Helping Hand!


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