Which Are You Meant To Be? A Winner Or A Loser?

Bangambiki Habyarimana famously said:

"Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move"

In life, there will always be losers and winners.
There will always be those in front and those behind. There will always be successes and failures!
In fact, there will always be the rich and the poor!

But does this mean life is unfair? Especially when you fall in the last category? No one can truly answer if life is biased or not, because life always has a trick on its sleeve.

The truth is: it is just a matter of time. Life may seem unfair but it gives to everyone different things at different times. Different destinies, different purposes and different achievements.

For example, there are so many stories Of Great Men and Women, who had all the fame, money and successes in the world but all of a sudden their shine came to an abrupt halt! So who's fault was it? Life? Theirs? Mistakes? We can blame many factors but the truth is, no one can matter the irony and unpredictability of life!

So, are you a winner or a loser? Does your present situation define Who You Will Be? Or Who You Can Be? Or What You Can Be?  Or Are You Meant to Remain Like This Forever? No!

You were meant for great Things!  And just like empires rise and fall, Great Men Come and Go. The tide will eventually turn for your favour. Your time will come and you will be the winner you were always meant to be!

So make a commitment today, to never underestimate yourself or envy anyone ever again!

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