Unhealthy Competition Is A Dream Killer!

James Altucher Famously Said:

"Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don't support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck"

The need to compete with other people, is a profound trait of human beings. It doesn't matter your educational background, your status, family or upbringing. At some point in your life, you must have felt distressed and left behind by your mates. Being left behind must have given birth to the need to compete, to feel among, to belong.

However, this need to compete with those around you, needs to to be checked. If it isn't it, will destroy everything you are or will ever be.

First of all, it is of great import that you realise that you are a different person and your life is going to progress in a different manner, quite different from your friends or those around you!

This is the bitter truth, it doesn't matter how hard you try, you cannot have what everyone has, you cannot be like them. They were created differently and envying them or trying to have everything they have is a waste of your time. Therefore, it is wise to seek out your own path and stop trying to be like or have what everyone has.

You were sent to earth for a different purpose, your life will never advance at the same pace with your friends. They may be faster than you or you may be faster than them in achieving your dreams. However, this doesn't mean you will never catch up or they will not catch up. As long as, you stay on course with the map of your life, you will eventually catch up. All you need is time, give yourself time. Everyone on earth has a set time for his/her breakthrough. Work towards your dreams, as you wait for your time.

Henceforth, stop competing it will only rob you of your destiny and leave you miserable and unfulfilled in the long run.


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