Marilyn Monroe Famously Said:
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are"
Unhealthy habits are the fastest way to poisoning a person's life and extinguishing his light, until he becomes like a walking corpse!
There are so many unhealthy habits, many people cultivate over time. It usually begins as a series of daily repeated actions and gradually metamorphoses into a catastrophic cycle which becomes difficult to break or shake.
Your habits are part of you, in fact we cannot separate you from your habits, because what you do repeatedly, you eventually become. Thus, it is for this pertinent reason, you should be wary of the habits you cultivate and the ones you should discard.
This brings us to 'the little habits that steal your happiness.' The first one is: 'Thinking You Are Worthless!
Low Self Esteem is the driving force behind this thought, because it puts you in a state of misery, where you constantly believe, everyone is better than you. Intimidation is to blame for feeling your worthless. Abusive childhood or adulthood and costly mistakes are the major reasons why so many people, live each day filled with guilt, self hate and depression.
Every man, it doesn't matter if he is tall or short, beautiful/handsome, attractive or unattractive (mind you, being attractive is relative) he or she is worth more than gold and diamonds. In fact, you cannot put a price tag on a person's worth. Therefore, it is pointless subjecting yourself to emotional and mental pain, because you have misconceptions about who you are! Because you believe your past is beyond redemption! Because you believe you are not beautiful/ handsome, tall or good enough! No!
Do you have the slightest inkling, who you were created to be? Do you have the slightest idea, how far you can go in life? Do you have the slightest idea how your life can change at any given time, as long as you don't give up? Do you have the slightest idea the greatness that awaits you, when you can see and recognise how special you are?
Start today, go to the mirror, look at yourself and admire the awesome work of God's creation. God has made you awesome. Why would you doubt your worth, because of what someone has said? For until you realise how much you are worth you can never be happy! NEVER, EVER DOUBT YOUR WORTH!
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