Sad, But Fundamental Facts About Life: "Boasting Affirms Abysmal Insecurity"

John Steinbeck famously said:

"Perhaps the less we have, the more we are required to brag"

There happens to be great joy in having conquered and accomplished so many feats. But the true test of a man's self esteem is how he handles success.

You see, the misconception many people have about self esteem is mistaking it for pride. But they are two different things. Self Esteem is the unshakeable believe you have in yourself, that you are worth it, that you are handsome/beautiful, that you can achieve greatness notwithstanding what comes your way.

Boasting on the other hand, is an insecure way of living your life. This involves showing off every little thing you acquired, trying to paint yourself in favourable light, trying to keep up a facade on social media, going out of your way to prove to people who you are or what you have, all in an attempt to feel good about yourself etc.

All these, scream INSECURITY! Confident people need no introduction, from the moment they walk in, to the way they sit, the way they carry themselves, to they talk, all epitomises Self Esteem!

As a result, they appear confident without trying so hard, and this is a body language that can be read from miles afar. While, those who often need to boast about who they or what they got do this out of insecurity, they need to feel important and boasting seems like the only option.

Desist from showing off, because sadly, it an infamous trait of people with low self-esteem. You do not need to show off before you can feel good about yourself, you are already special the way you are and if those around you cannot see it, then it's their lost not yours.

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