Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Morning: What Are My Plans For Today And For The Future?
Brian Tracy Famously Said: "All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose" The future belongs to those who plan their days, their actions, and follow their plan meticulously. Overtime, the Bible, philosophers, and great people from all works of life have all given strong evidence to prove that been ahead in life, is to plan ahead. You cannot succeed in life without plans, you cannot make your dreams a reality without plans, you cannot get things done without plans. Therefore, it is pertinent to plan your day a night before or the moment you wake up. Why? Because this will ensure you stay on track with your goals, it will help you make other achievements, and make your life so much easier, stress free and make you on course with your dreams. How do you plan your day/the future? For the day: begin a mental list (or write i...